Monday, February 25, 2008

35th Photos (1)

Gregg Vegas in his "happy place"

Bill Reinheimer returns after 30 years. Where the hell has he been?
What horrors has he seen? Only he knows...

Jesse "Goose" [back], Jackie Quinn, Rudi and Fal Hauser

Baker man, Baker man, bake me a cake, fast as you can.

Bill R. and his shy girlfriend and that guy on the air.

From Jenny S.

It's me Jenny. It was so nice seeing all of you guys the other night.
I can't wait to hear the podcasts.

This blog is so nice! I've been reading all the posts.


www (dot) myspace (dot) com / harvardlsd

PS - By the way... Jenny is the dear soul who.. during her first news cast got such a state of stage fright when I potted up her mic that in the silence that followed, you could faintly hear me slamming my fist on the window - shouting "Talk... Talk... TALK!!!!" I'm sure there was a better, more understanding way to do it... but hey... whatcha gonna do. rjf

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Brian say at NING...

For some reason Brian can't log on over here - while I figure it out, I'll cross post this NING message - if you want to comment, bounce over to our Donuts&Coffee site... (see right hand column) and join up.

WXCI 35th Anniversary Celebration

Where to begin? A wonderful time was apparently had by all, and many thianks have to go out to Hugh, the WXCI staff, members of the Westconn Alumni Association, past members of WXCI, and just about anyone else who had a hand in hosting a great event. As the evening wore on I was glad I didn't sign up for an air shift; it was too much fun hangin' with friends both new and old.

One of the highlights for me was when Tom Z handed me his cell phone and told me "You have to talk to this guy." It was Bob Wilson, who was the founder of the station and the reason we celebrated #35 last night. Bob sounded great and he clued me in to something I hadn't thought of.

Although WXCI celebrated #35 yesterday, the Campus Broadcast Association (the technical organizational name) was celebrating 40 years of existence, having been founded in 1968. We're all a lot older than we look (or act).

I hope Rich or Greg can help me post some of the pictures I took. I tried to log onto Rich's site, but it won't accept my password any more. I've been reduced to an incidental tourist there.

Again, thanks to all who helped put together this event, and to Rich & Greg who got these organizational blogs together.

So, what are we going to do for #36?


Thanks to some nearly pretty old technology - I recorded 11 hours of WXCI on MiniDisc.

(I got the tail end of Hugh McCarney on Tom Z's show - and everything thereafter.

I'm promised the Tom Z interview show (which will DEFINITELY be available on the podcast soon!)

I especially have recordings of the alumni who went on the air during our party - (5:30 to about 9:30) none other than:

Joe Mariano, Keenon Snell (00's)
Bill Reinheimer (70's)
and Bill Baker (80's)

I'm sure many of you reading this blog would really love to hear the whole 11 or 13 hours of shows on the podcast, but I'm a bit cautious about putting them on line as they are (music and everything).

Others have asked about listening to un edited recordings of the previous reunion shows.

How about this - If I put one disc together - does anyone have any thoughts on how copies could get to alumni who want it?

Thoughts, comments, witty anecdotes via email (the address on the right column), or leave a comment at the bottom of this here post thing.


From Donuts and Coffee

I had a great time too... meeting Rich in person, and everyone else. Thanks to all who participated and those who helped in the setup.
Some photos are already posed at and more will follow. (Join up and also join the group WXCIMemories.)

I have the 2 hours of the TomZ show interviews with past members and will edit them into individual segments then forward them for inclusion here.

Stay tuned for more on this and many of the other participating internet venues.


PS: Join Donuts and Coffee
(it's one of them new fangled social networking sites that a lot of us old fangled Wixers are on) -rjf

And the station is now 35

It looked like everyone had a great time. Not too many fights, nothing broken any more than it already was. In all accounts a thunderingly good success.

I think I recorded most if not all of the alumni broadcasts. Rudi, Fal, Mike, Laurie, Pam, John and myself left the studios by 1:30am or so. (a far cry from the overnights that we inflicted on our selves as late as 10 years ago when we celebrated Washington's birthday by broadcasting all night long... for no reason that seemed to make sense at the time or now)

In those days - prior to our computer dj robot slaves (as opposed to the fleshy ones) WXCI would sign on in the morning (more or less) and go dark after 2. This time, there was no sign off... we just potted up the Wixy Wobot and weft.

I plan to listen through the 12 or so hours of recordings and post what's postable on the pod cast.
Hold on...

12 hours... ?


Then again, if I follow the same pattern since the 33rd - I have about 11 months to do it.

Please send photos to the email address on the sidebar with suitable comments. Over the next few weeks - I'll post them on the blog.

To the current and past and future staff of WXCI - thanks for helping to make this a lasting tradition! It's certainly worth keeping.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Schedule (as far as I know)

Noon February 23 starts the WXCI 35th anniversary broadcast featuring guests and DJ's from WXCI's history.

Noon to 1PM - Tom Zarecki takes the airwaves with an interview show featuring the following folks (in order or appearance):

Jimmy Dyer!
Bob Wilson!
Pam Brooks!
Steve Kalb!
Jeff Herald!

1PM to 2PM - Tom continues his show with the following guests:
Kevin Hogan!
Jan Jagush!
Greg Wencek!
Hugh McCarney!

The audio AND video of the first two hours will be streamed on line - see related post

The rest of the ALUMNI SCHEDULE

2-3pm - Greg Higgins
3-4pm - Jeff McKay
4-5pm - Joe Mariano
5-6pm - Keenon Snell
6-7pm - Bill Reinheimer
7-9pm - Bill (I'm taking 2 hours because I can) Baker
9-10pm - Michael Wright
10-11pm - Rudi Hauser, Rich Frohlich
11pm-12 - Pam Meister

And that's the truth... pfttttttttt

WXCI alumni day on the internet

Hi all.

Pardon the intrusion. The WXCI alumni day is at hand. Many of you will be at the studios and many more of you will be at the reception in the evening. But the majority of you are at remote locations, as far away as you can get. In case you want to look into the (train wreck) proceedings we have arranged to video stream of the TomZ show between noon and 2:00 Eastern time.

Providing that I get a good broadband connection in the studio the stream will be at the Ning site and UStream. and at

As other streaming possibilities arise I will post them at Ning and in another email. I hope the years away from WXCI have kept you well. And I can assure you I will keep any mailings to a minimum. If you want to stay in touch join If you want me to leave you alone, tell me to stop by replying. I will do my best to keep your addresses blind in any mailings.

Gregory Wencek
Mid 1970's

Snowy reunion...

How about that... I got into town yesterday - and this morning, I look out the window (and down my Dad's treacherous driveway) and there's bunches of snow on the ground.

And still more coming out of the sky.

There's nothing like this kind of weather to make a transplated yankee in texas feel like he's coming home...

I dare not tell my kids about it - they were already disappointed they couldn't come up to see grandma and grandpa - add missing a snow storm to the mix, and they'd be bawling.

One more day...

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Alumni Schedule (so far) for Alumni Day!

ALUMNI SCHEDULE (so far) for ALUMNI DAY 08! (feb 23)

Starting at NOON!

12-2pm - Tom Z's alumni cavalcade (of sorts)

2-3pm - Greg Higgins
3-4pm - Jeff McKay
4-5pm - Joe Mariano
5-6pm - Keenon Snell
6-7pm - Bill Reinheimer
7-8pm - OPEN
8-9pm - Bill Baker
9-10pm - Michael Wright
10-11pm - Rudi Hauser, Rich Frohlich
11pm-12 - Pam Meister

Someone pretending to be the Management

** NOTE : Apparently both Phil "Dood" Cyrulik and Carey Hewitt (originally slated to go from Noon to 2) are unable to make their slots. (as of Feb 19) so Tom Z will have an amazing 2 hours of call-ins and interviews with plenty of WXCI alumni who happen to be there at the time. (that is unless someone has a better idea...)

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Faces of WXCI

I saw this image on XCI's myspace page...

The only one I recognize for sure is Hugh... Maybe Ron Ice... if he's who I think he is.

Which reminds me... at the reunion - I want a volunteer for a neato groovy cool audio project... someone with good interviewing skills (apply via postcard, email on the side bar here - or see me at the reunion) - rich

No really... the podcasts from 33 and 34 are coming

I teased you about releasing WXCI podcast material prior to Alumni Weekend... well I put some together tonight.

Five little audio gems... or clups of fools gold...

I have a few files (described in a moment) uploaded to a holding area - and tomorrow after I recover from working all night - I'll get them ready for download.

I've got Tom Z's interview show from 2006, Bill Baker's, Gregory Wencek's and Morgan William's shows from 2006 - plus a question and answer panel from 2007 with Hugh, Tom Z, Bill Baker and Darryl Ort (I think) and an attendee who unwittingly represented every single student at WCSU... ) regarding LIFE AFTER COLLEGE RADIO...

So those podcasts are coming... and HOPEFULLY I can get them set up before my flight.

That's the idea, anyway.

UPDATE!!! - 4 or 5 crazy audio files are being uploaded to the podcast between 9am and 1pm today (Feb 20th) right now - log onto

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Dishing up...

Amazing - All that for only the price of a radio...

I'm talking the show that Tom Z is serving up (be it at 10 or noon).

I mean LOOK AT IT... This thing promises to be pretty swanky stuff suitable for a swell anniversary. And the guests that may be lined up... If only one or two of these folks calls in - it will be more than worth the price of admission.

I hope Tom doesn't mind me potentially JINXING the whole thing by revealing some of the folks... (for those who miss the broadcast, the plan is to podcast it for later) - OK... OK... I guess I won't go into specifics - but to give you a teaser - we're talking a possible interview with a Governor, newly installed Fire Chief, Rabbett (calling in from Hawaii), a television news anchor, a former Mayor...

All of them with alleged connections to WXCI which they may or may not disavow while connected to a radio representation of a polygraph device (except not really)...

Tune in... it's gonna be spicy!!!!

Ball of Confusion...

You may have noticed a slightly warm ball of confusion floating around. Just like what your doctor might say: "This is normal, and nothing to be concerned about".

Despite it's ominous presence - things seem to be working themselves out...

And besides... I heard there might be cocktails at the reunion - make mine a dry dirty martini stirred with extra olives and a Lucky.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Acknowledgement of Occasion

Dear WXCI Alumni,
It has recently come to my attention that you will soon be observing a reunion of sorts. This is a terrific event. I propose you should commemorate this wonderful time by doing something. It is not every day that one has a chance to celebrate history. I hope that you feel very proud. Wishing you good times!
Your swell fellow alum, Rich

PS: Sign up, line up and get your check to Hugh before it's too late!

You can find other forms like this at The Bureau of Communication