Alumni Day Update - February 25th

This note comes from Hugh McCarney:
Last night WXCI had it's first staff meeting of the semester and the new PD, Jen Ackerly agreed to schedule the day. So, if you're coming in person, please email her with a couple of alternative time slots, and if you're sending something, you're also welcome to request a time, but preference will be given to the live folks. The plan is to have the time continuous.
Jen's email is (alongwinter2 at aol dot com).
Tapes or CDs can be mailed to her at the station. (181 White Street, Danbury CT 06810).
Mail stuff in as soon as you can. Live people who want their shift recorded will have to do it
themselves. I'll try to collect the pre-recorded stuff after the day is over and ship it all to Rich, who may do with it as he sees fit.
It's February 25--the last Saturday of the month.
Somebody also suggested contacting the Alumni Office to see if they'd fund coffee and cookies during the event, but I don't think anyone actually volunteered to get in touch with them. If I was on campus I'd do it, but I'm on sabbatical, so maybe next year . . .
Please send something, if only a 15 second greeting.
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