Saturday, October 01, 2005

Sun, 31 Oct 2004

Here's another note I got many months ago:

Hi, I am a WXCI alumnus and am just THRILLED to have stumbled onto your site tonight.

Thanks so much for some of the memories. Just seeing those Blue and White bumper stickers made me laugh.

They were plastered all over my car and my house for a long time. At one point at XCI , I was promotions manager. (probably around 1979 or 80)

There's a story I hope you can add to your site, if I can ever get the details ironed out. Sometime in the late 70's, WRKI down the street wanted to change its call letters to WSKY (or something like that.) The exec board of our beloved college station fought it and won, because our signal and listenership were strong enough that the F-C-C agreed that the commercial station would be infringing on OUR image !!! David and Goliath, and we won.

Of course I shouldn't sound too disloyal to I-95. I wound up working there, then Waterbury, Hartford, then Miami, then New York, and now I'm at A-P Network News in Washington. I'm one of the really looney ones who stayed in the business all these years. Still working every Christmas whether I need to or not.

Again, thanks for putting together this site.

Jackie Quinn


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