Saturday, October 01, 2005

First Day on the Air

At approximately 11:45 a.m. on Wednesday, February 28th, 1973, WXCI received a call from Western Union, saying there was a telegram for them from the Federal Communications Commission. At exactly 12:30 p.m., EST, over many radios came the voice of Rob Abbett (Rabbett) with the words, "Good afternoon, this is FM radio station WXCI in Danbury beginning its first broadcast day."

WXCI, formerly WSCT, had achieved its goal of becoming a legitimate FM broadcast station after four years of rapid growth and hard work. Starting out as a broom closet public address system WXCI grew through the years, overcoming a host of obstacles. Moving from three locations before finally settling down in their present quarters, located on the top floor of the student union, and struggling to convince the student body that an investment in a station would be beneficial to the campus, the WXCI staff met with success on February 28th.

Broadcasting seven days a week from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. weekdays, and 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. on weekends, WXCI serves the community as a non-commercial station with emphasis on public service. Broadcasting all types of music, comprehensive news programs, sports, and weather, as well as many campus specials, WXCI has been well received by both the campus and the Danbury community.

The success of WXCI represents what dedication, hard work, and tremendous devotion can realize. WXCI, funded totally by student fees, illustrates well, the kind of specific acheivement that can be attained by students. It is a tribute to the initiative of Wesconn.

(from the 1973 Wesconn Yearbook.)


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