Alumni Day Broadcast Schedule

Here at long last are the blasts from the past that we've massed to broadcast on February 25th!
Tune in and celebrate WXCI's (wonderful wixy wadio's) 33rd (long playing) Birthday!
12pm Scott Ventrella 1982
1pm Morgan Williams 1987
2pm Scott Brunjes 1984
3pm Jesse Gosselin 1996
4pm Adrienne Lalla 1991
5pm Tom Zarecki 70's-80's
6pm Greg Wencek 1973-1975
7pm Bill Baker 1984
8pm Rudi Hauser and Mike Wright late 80s
9pm Pamela Meister late 80's
10pm Jeff Morris 1974
11pm Rich Frohlich (with Louis Wahl and Chris Cronin) 1987-1991
If you signed up for a slot, and you're reading this. Let me know who else you plan to have on the air in terms of guests - and what style of show you plan to have - (i.e. talk - music - flying invisible monkey juggling, etc.)
Can I come back on June 28 for the 33 1/3 anniversary?
Bruce A
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