Wednesday, February 20, 2008

No really... the podcasts from 33 and 34 are coming

I teased you about releasing WXCI podcast material prior to Alumni Weekend... well I put some together tonight.

Five little audio gems... or clups of fools gold...

I have a few files (described in a moment) uploaded to a holding area - and tomorrow after I recover from working all night - I'll get them ready for download.

I've got Tom Z's interview show from 2006, Bill Baker's, Gregory Wencek's and Morgan William's shows from 2006 - plus a question and answer panel from 2007 with Hugh, Tom Z, Bill Baker and Darryl Ort (I think) and an attendee who unwittingly represented every single student at WCSU... ) regarding LIFE AFTER COLLEGE RADIO...

So those podcasts are coming... and HOPEFULLY I can get them set up before my flight.

That's the idea, anyway.

UPDATE!!! - 4 or 5 crazy audio files are being uploaded to the podcast between 9am and 1pm today (Feb 20th) right now - log onto


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