Monday, October 03, 2005

First Compact Disc Segue

I just got an email from Brian Burgess (you can look him up on the Observers List of Life Membership). In the next few days he promised to share some more early history of WXCI.

For some reason, our exchange reminded me of a first at WXCI that I was part of (I think the title already gave it away)... Rudi, when you read this, feel free to correct any mistakes in the comment section...

Once upon a time in 1987 (or so) Rudi Hauser and I were on the air. Well, most likely he was on the air and I was hanging around throwing records at him. At one point he opened up his book bag and took out his portable Sony compact disk player with a mischievious twinkle in his eye. Most people never noticed that twinkle, after all he was our straight-laced business manager... Louis and I knew better, but that's another story.

So there he was, holding his portable CD player... one record was playing... a CD was cued up in our only CD player. Ever since we had gotten that CD player hooked up to the board, he had thought about the possibility of doing a segue from CD to CD. At that time vinyl was still king (like it still seems to be in my home office). I had about 7 minutes to rummage through the engineering cabinet, find the proper cables and hook it into the board (a cart and another record cued in the ready, just in case).

Well, we did it.

Except for the two of us, I'm not sure anyone knew that we had successfully pulled off the first CD segue on the air with a battery powered portable... a radioshack RCA cable, miniplug connector and four crossed fingers. It's one of those XCI moments we thought was cool to try out and do. Now, I guess you could do it all with one computer and one set of cables... but where's the fun in that?


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