Saturday, October 01, 2005

The reports are coming in!

I just got an email from Phil Cyrulik aka "Dood" or "The Grouch in the Morning" GM from May'76 to December 78

He's onboard with this crazy 21st century concept... Groovy!

Only a few hours up on line, and we're getting responses.

(hear the teletype in the background)

This just in... I've also got a followup email from Jackie Quinn... working late on a Saturday (for the AP I presume)... She's enjoying the flashbacks... flashbacks... flashbacks...

Man, it's late... and I've got to get off this computer... I still have next week's Texas Radio Theatre to get burned onto CD... and maybe clean up the house before my wife gets back from Houston in ... OMG 2 hours... weeeeeeee!