Sunday, November 27, 2005

Radio Workshop List

I was digging through the files looking for early info on our lawyers when I came across the list below. I was tempted to scan it as an image, but people's signatures haven't changed mush, and identity theft is an issue now . . .

In "the old days" people signed up for the credit toward the end of the semester, when it was clearer that they would have completed the time. Now they register for it like any other class.
(Fall 1976 transcribed from handwritten sheet)


1) Phil Cyrulik
2) Judy Scott
3) Beth TerHaar
4) Pam McClusky
5) Anda Vijupps
6) Carey Hewett
7) Paul Yurt
8) Paul Rowe
9) Mark Cunningham
10) Michael Grady
11) Colin A. Campbell
12) David Nanavaty
13) B.J. Frohock
14) David Landry
15) Martin McClellan
16) Greg Wencek
17) Ken Hochsprung
18) John M Ivler
19) Vinny Keenan
20) Ann Wasserman
21) Peter Fass
22) Glenn M. Bisogno
23) Bill Agostinelli
24) Jeff Herald
25) Pamela Suddaby
26) Joanne LaDelfa
27) Rabbett
28) Uncle Tom

Many of the names were also on the Spring 1978 list, with the addition of Thom Rossi, Jim Farley, Scott Benjamin, and Jim Clarke.


Friday, November 25, 2005

Engineering Test

The ANNOUNCERS CODE reminded me of my version of the Engineering Test I developed during my days at the station. I'll post it if i can find it... I'm afraid its on an old Mac disk somewhere.

I had fun with the multiple choice - but some weren't fair - like the definition of FCC which went something like this:

a) Federal Criminal Cops

b) Fun Communications Comrades

c) Federal Communications Commision

d) Federation of Communications Corporations

it's 'a'... right?

Website vs MySpace

I get the impression that current station folks like the Myspace thing a lot.

I've also heard that IM and phone text messaging seems to be more popular among the younger set than websites, email and using an actual phone.

Of course weblogs are proving to be a growing trend as well.
Personally - I like the versatility of a website, and the immediacy of the weblog... I'm not sure about myspace for myself...

In a nutshell - I agree with Rabbett - there's got to be one or two people at the school who are web-savey, and willing to help the station out.

So what is the deal with the wxci website?

I think it is a darn shame that the WXCI website seems to be so lackluster. Hardly anything works, there is all bling with the layout and nothing much online.

What's the deal? No one there cares?

I would think that in this day and age there has got to be someone who goes to school there who is a whiz with Adobe GoLive or Hotdog and has a digital camera who could zap some stuff together in a couple of hours and maybe update the bugger every once in a while.

Websites are great promotional tools. Might even help attract more participants and bring in some new members if the website was up and showing some thing.

Why they could even add a webcam with shots of the jock or jockette swinging in the booth!

Hugh! Perhaps adding a section in your radio station curriculum to include website building might not be a bad idea? You know, make it mandatory for the student to participate in the maintenance of the wxci website or make it part of getting the wxci club participation
credit to do so?


WXCI Announcers Code

Yes, Virginia, there was a WXCI Announcers Code, although it was in fact the WSCT Announcers Code, which I supposed gave us a loophole of sorts. My embellishments are inexplicable, except that there must have been a station meeting. I do the exact same kind of doodles during meetings to this day, except that they have become even more detailed and intense.

-Jeffrey Morris

Fly-By-Nite Productions

Here's the little hand-lettered sign that used to be up on the XCI bulletin board for Fly-By-Nite Productions, otherwise known as the Three Swell Guys (Rabbett, Dave Nanavaty, and me, although sometimes we were the Three Swell Guys + Tim Herbert). Note the tape reel.

-Jeffrey Morris

Don Imus

Here's a scan of another of the same series of original bumperstickers. But note the odd scribble in the upper right. Yes, it's actually signed by Don Imus -- THAT Don Imus, although at the time he was just an "outrageous" morning dj playing music and bits on WNBC (what's WNBC?). I got this signed in 1976 when he inexplicably made a personal appearance at some store -- I can't even remember what it was -- that was next door to the Fayva Shoes store where I was working up on Newtown Road. Also note the ink smudges on this bumper sticker. It was a rainy day, I think. Either that or I was sweating.
-Jeffrey Morris


Here's a scan of an original 1975 WXCI bumper sticker, from my secret stash that was so much of a secret I didn't even realize I had them until last month. Note the "RASPUTIN ENTERPRISES 1975" in tiny type on the right-hand edge. Also note that the originals said "Western Connecticut State College" because that's what we were back then, by gum!

-Jeffrey Morris

Monday, November 21, 2005

Under the wire.

I said I would upload a bunch of posts on Monday... and well, I barely made it.

Sorry the stuff wasn't updated at 8 in the morning - we have a crazy project that fell on us at the office... it seems the client must have a full fledged instructional video about hand-held duct calculators (nothing too snazy...we're talking slide rule technology) complete with animated graphics and other assorted whiz bangs to the duplicator by Dec 3rd.

We're doing what we can NOT to have to work over the Thanksgiving holiday.

I don't know what this has to do with XCI memories... except that I remember how cool it was to broadcast over winter break - with snow on the ground - christmas songs in rotation - a cool breeze drifting in from the window and not too many souls in the student center - except for the radio-addicts who hung out at the radio station, and a few alumni who came back to do holiday shows and fill-ins.

Happy Thanksgiving and all!

PS: The photos are from a recent performance of the Texas Radio Theatre Company - the folks with their hands to their mouths are playing kazoos (an important part of good radio).

Far flung XCI folks

Six people on that frappr thing?

I know for a fact that there are XCI allums in San Francisco, Rhode Island, London, England, New York City and Colorado (in addition to various places in connecticut)...

Don't be 'ascared'

This thing that Gregory put up is cool...

Try it on.. Log in... Type out who and where you are - I don't think you need to put any personal info (juicy, factual, incriminating or otherwise) ... it just points to where you say you were/are/am.


anyone do video chats?

Just curious if any of you do video conferencing?

I'm a mac guy primarily and use the imac iChat system. Have an isight cam and keep in touch with my daughter and a couple friends with the thing.

Quite amazing. Full frame video and audio in real time.Don't know if there is a way for a mac ichat user to chat with others in some sort of windows environment but am willing to try.

my handle is


Gray Hugh

Rabbett took the eariler picture and made a "contemporary hugh" thanks to a little photoshopping:

Somewhere - Sometime - Some Jacket

I have no remembrance of what was going on here, but I think I still have the jacket.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Been quiet... 1 fifth my fault

Sure, it's been a little quiet 'round here. But I'm only taking 1/5th of the blame. I've got a few posts from folks in my mailboxes that I haven't put on line - and I'll get them up after this weekend.

We've got a show we're putting up this weekend - an audio play with Sherlock Homles teamed up with Hercule Poirot. I don't know if this has ever been done before - but heck, we're doing it now. In fact tonight... Saturday, and one more show on Sunday... I'll get back to you after the craziness.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Speaking of where you are...

Frappr Map for WXCI Alumni now available:

Where in the world is [you]?

Gregory Wencek
WXCI - former PD
Not a lifer just a hanger on-er

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Re: Where are you now?

Great hearing from you Morgan -- those were fun days! I'm now married (14 years -- time flies!) with two kids and live in Ridgefield, CT. Most of my professional life is spent in the area of leadership development/executive coaching. I recently published a book, "The Power of Positive Thinking in Business: 10 - Traits for Maximum Results" (Simon & Schuster) and am looking to publish my next; "ME, INC. -- How to Master the Business of Living." You can check out my website at

I've got an itch to get back into radio -- interested in hosting a lifestyle talk show using content from publications mentioned above.

How about you, what are you up to?

-Scott Ventrella

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Praise be to the window

I was reminded of that window in the main studio. What a brilliant idea. It was, really. It was:

A communication tool.

A weather center.

Indirect lighting.

And on those amazing days when it was nice outside and for some stupid reason, the heat was on in the student center you could open it up and make it a climate control device.

Yeah.. it was nice to have a window. I don't have a window in my office now... I have glass that looks out to an audio booth... I have Microsoft Windows... but sometimes I need to walk a few feet just to see what time of day it is, or if the sun is out.

I miss the window.


To Scott "Skippy" Ventrella

Dear Scott,

Your message was much too brief. You have to understand the impression you left on one young Morgan Williams as i ventured into the world of college radio.

You were so cool. You were such a rebel. Nobody could get Sue Szanti (Golden) as mad as you could. I've never seen anybody make such a mess out of albums all over the studio, talk on the phone, yell at girls out the window and then read the Sounds Incredible sponsor out of the News Blimp with such ease.

Skippy Ventrella, Where are you now?

Morgan Williams

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Just passing by...

Nice job on XCI blog/web site. I stumbled into it by accident...


Scott Ventrella (78-82/Lifer)

Monday, November 07, 2005

Name of an award or honor

There are Tonys - Oscars - Grammys and Audies (among others).

I think a great award name would be the "Wixy"

Not sure if a "Wixy" is the right name for what Hugh and others are talking about - but it sounds like an appropriate title for an award to be given on WXCI's Birthday.

Just a thought.


Hugh on Life Membership / Post Participation Award

Life Membership

Over the years there have been several people who I thought deserved the honor who either weren't nominated, or who didn't get enough votes-you need 2/3, and more than one person was only a single vote shy. So I share the sense that there have been some deserving people who were passed by.

The constitution is pretty clear-only active members can vote on Life Members, and since the honor is awarded for service that the voters are aware of, there really is no way to remedy what might seem to be an unjust oversight.

On the other hand, it means that the honor can't be easily removed. Twice in my experience members wanted to revoke Life Membership of people who had become particularly annoying, and my position has always been that only the people who voted to award the honor can vote to revoke it. So the people who are Life Members are pretty safe.

Post Participation Award?

What we can do is establish some sort of Post Participation award (not all WXCI Alums are WCSU alums) that recognizes outstanding contributions or achievements or just about anything we want. I'm sure that WXCI would grant wall space for a plaque, although we'd have to pay for it (pay a dollar or your vote doesn't count?).

I'll invite proposals, either here or directly to me. Who gets to vote? What do people get honored for? Should we announce the "Honored" on the Birthday day?


Sunday, November 06, 2005

Regarding Life Membership

I suddenly have forgotten how to start a new entry on the blog. Well ok, maybe "suddenly" isn't the right word. I tried last week and couldn't figure out where to click.

I've responded to Rabb's post a couple of times and it brings up an interesting question. Maybe Hugh can give us some input as well. Say there was a horrendous oversight, and people who really deserved to be Life Members were left out in the cold. Rabb says Pam "Pooh" McCluskey should have been elected, and I say Evans "ET " Travis should have been as well. Because of inter-office politics, or maybe just omission, deserving people were never given their rightful honors in the WXCI pantheon.

Is there anything in the WXCI constitution to address this? I know it has the potential to open up a major can of worms because of all the benefits Life Membership offers ( free elevator rides in the student union elevators for life, just to name one).

Although I was probably somewhere in the building when our charter was first drawn up (probably in the snack bar), I'm not sure how this would be handled. The current membership would be hard-pressed to vote for somebody they never knew.

I'd be interested to hear if this has been dealt with before, if there is a precedent, and if not, how we can make one.

Brian BJ Burgess
LM 1973

Buttons Buttons we had Buttons

In order to keep my 6 year old out of my wife's hair... I decided to take down some dusty boxes. The first had coins... the second had stamps... and the third had buttons. See if you recognize a few of these.


More about Hugh

Bill also wanted to add a few things about how Hugh's life was made just a bit more interesting, thanks to his membership at XCI... The following is quoted from Bill Baker's email:

With all the crap I pulled on the air (and a lot of it was pretty horrendously devoid of taste and some of it I even regret doing), there were two incidents in which I was threatened with actual suspension.

One of them did result in suspension.

1. Dwarf tossing. We (me, Kevin Elston and Greg Chelso) had picked up a copy of the Weekly World News at the supermarket and the cover article was about dwarf tossing in Australia. We talked about it and laughed about it and apparently someone called the university's president and complained. Really loudly. I am guessing it was a trustee or a big donor, because (and Hugh will have to refresh my memory and corroborate this, if he can) Hugh got called into a meeting in President Feldman's office. (I was not at the meeting.)

Long story short: Hugh backed me up, I was never suspended and I never heard about it again.

Post script: About a year later, Johnny Carson had actual dwarf tossing on the "Tonight Show." I would like to say we were ahead of our time, but all we did was read from a supermarket tabloid.

2. The on-campus fraternity - I can't remember its name. We were in a break and I was supposed to be reading a PSA. I was going through the stack, on-air, deciding which one to read. I was saying things like "nope, read that one yesterday", "Nope. Too boring". I got to a PSA about some event that the frat was holding and I said something "Nope. That frat is a bunch of drunks." (Which they pretty much were, by the way.) Anyway, I don't remember even saying it, as it was on off-hand comment whileI was vamping, but those frat boys were pissed. They demanded a meeting with Hugh and the GM at the time (might have been Scott Brunjes or John Ryan -again, I can't remember.) They demanded that I apologize and be suspended.

Long story short: Hugh did not want me to back down, but this time, I was pretty sure my ass was going to get kicked, my tires would be slashed, and my dog would be violated in some way, so I agreed to a one-day suspension and recorded a very monotone apology that I played once an our on the next show. It was a coward's way out, but I had no desire to take on an angry, drunken mob.

Hugh was a stalwart defender of the decisions of the Executive Board and all the students at the station. For my money, he allowed XCI to be great and it never would have been without him.

-Bill Baker

Hugh Photo

Bill felt that he was temporally and contextually handicapped in the photo that was shown of him. He wanted to subject others to the same test. Submitted for your consideration - this photo is entitled Young Hugh. Photo credit unnamed.Interestingly enough - to create "Contemporary Hugh", I believe all you'd need to do is change the frames ever so slightly and lighten up the beard and hair.

Rabbett says:


WHAT THE F***&*^%#K?

Pam needs to be voted in as a Life Member. I am shocked she never was made one. Lets make her the co-Life member with me for 1977. I'm lonely all by myself... and how the heck did that ever happen?

Shocked and saddened to not see Pammie "Pooh" on the LM list... Let's fix that.

All in favor please comment in the affirmative!
